It's the end of October, and already we've had 24.5" of snow in the past two days. I am sooo not a winter person, and all this snow is not my cup of tea. No doubt the snow is spectacular - something only our amazing God could create, but really, I could do without the shoveling, wet clothes & shoes by the front & back doors, puppy paw prints on my kitchen floor, the surprise of stepping in a puddle in really strange places in the house (can never figure out how the puddles get there when the clothes & shoes are by the doors), shoveling, lost gloves, cleaning off the cars, driving, & did I mention shoveling.
Today as I finished shoveling the driveway and started on the sidewalk, I faced a small dilema - how much of the sidewalk is my responsibility? The neighbors on the left had shoveled their sidewalk & stopped EXACTLY at the edge of their property line & the beginning of ours. So I started where they had stopped and headed down the sidewalk towards the neighbor on the right who hadn't shoveled their sidewalk yet today. When I came to our mailbox which marks the end of our property, I had a decision to make - not a decision that would change the world or someone's life drastically, but a decision just the same. My arms were tired, & no one was watching to see whether I would shovel so it was really, really tempting to walk away. Then I thought about another neighbor who yesterday brought me fresh baked pumpkin bread straight from the oven and how that little gesture made my day. And you know, that little stretch of sidewalk really wasn't that long. I just hope I don't have to shovel tomorrow.
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