Monday, October 12, 2009

sick day :(

Jillian is home sick today and not very happy with me for keeping her home. You see, Jilly hates missing school because she hates getting behind in her work. She's the kid who comes home from school, opens the books & gets started on her homework immediately - even on a Friday. Missing a day of school truly messes with the organization and structure of her day and week, and already she's stressing about making up the work from today.

Our weekend was a bit crazy with an extra person in the house & a 21st birthday party (Happy Birthday Bradley!), and it's almost like Jilly didn't have time to be sick. So today it's time. She's hanging out in my bedroom (today, of all days, we're getting the sofa and the carpets cleaned so the family room is off limits) and getting in as much screen time as possible. What makes this sick day so "fabulous" is that there's no school on Friday, so it's a 3 day week for Jilly.

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