Thursday, July 2, 2009

Christensen Family - Established July 3, 1993

Lake Louise (Banff, Alberta CANADA)

Tomorrow is our 16th anniversary, and as I reflect on those years together and how much we've changed, I love seeing how God brought us together and continues to knits us together as a couple and as a family. He cares about the smallest details in our lives from packing boxes and moving to the other side of the world and back (or even just up the block), finding new churches with each move, saying good-bye to old friends & making new friends, births, deaths, jobs, sick kids, healthy kids, school, money, vacations, cars, dogs - an endless list really. I love that in all those things, Peter has been with me - sometimes leading the way, sometimes giving a "gentle" push from behind & most of the time right along side me. Spending time with Peter is one of my greatest delights no matter what we're doing.

A list of 16 (in no particular order - they all make my heart full):

* makes the perfect cup of coffee every time & knows which traveling mug I like
* still gets excited about going on dates
* cherishes Mallory & Jillian & shows them every day how much
* a quiet strength but there are things that make him cry
* loves my mom & my family
* in spite of all my imperfections, he still loves me
* thinks the dogs are pretty great (even if he calls them bad, wicked & sinful)
* loves God & seeks to know Him better
* will watch "chick flicks" with me (though usually not by choice)
* manages to still surprise me
* laid back & relaxed - a great compliment to my need to control (I'm working on that)
* understands that camping is just not my thing
* "conquers" the mall with me (& the girls)
* has always done & still does the "morning shift" & lets me sleep in
* has great friends
* still makes me laugh

I love you Peter!


mom/carla said...

You two have been a great example to many other couples on how to center your marriage on Christ. We have been so blessed by this!!!

Have a fun day today and a fabulous "date" tonight.

kirstin said...

congratulations guys! I love your list by the way- you got a winner! :)