Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mother/Daughter Book Club

1st month
2nd month
this month

I love, love, love reading!!! I don't seem to have much time for it lately, but it's one of my all time favorite things to do. Peter loves to read as much as I do though time seems to be a problem for him too. Mallory might even love to read more than Peter and I. When she was little (and even now), I would find books in the strangest of places - the kitchen counter, dining room table, piano, between the cushions of couch, under her pillow, on the floor in nearly every room, in a purse, in the car, in the bathroom, left at a friend's house, etc. She had more than one book going all of the time and reads a book multiple times.

That brings us to Jillian who had not inherited the natural "love" for reading. She's a great reader and will read but doesn't have the passion for it. It seems that many of her friends are very similar, so . . . the mothers concocted a plan. The result is our mother/daughter book club where each month one girl gets to pick the book that the daughters AND mothers read. Then we get together, eat and discuss the book, and even though the books aren't ones that I would necessarily choose, it's fun to read it with Jilly. The girls do a fantastic job of discussing the book, and I'm having a great time doing something just with her.

1 comment:

mom/carla said...

What a GREAT idea!!! (and a super way to spend time with Jilly and her friends).

Let me know about the "Twilight" series. I know they are very popular and I'm really curious about it. Since I'm not in a classroom, I don't have kids to tell me details about the books or actually read them to my students.