The Easter Bunny, Santa and especially the Tooth Fairy are no longer beloved, believable characters for Jillian & Mallory which sometimes makes me a little sad. It does make life a little simpler when it comes to planning those special days, but I can't help but think that time is cruising by faster than I had planned or imagined it would. Mallory will soon be driving (she reminds us of that almost daily), and Jillian has 29 days left in elementary school. All that being said, they still love the holidays as much as they use to and still love doing the traditional holiday things like dyeing Easter eggs - an American tradition. The bonus now vs. then: the mess is minimal, the eggs are actually pretty (I know, I know! As mother's we're suppose to love everything they make, but to be honest, sometimes their eggs weren't so pretty.), the eggs don't get dropped nearly as often and they will actually eat them instead of insisting on keeping them forever. Fun times!
1 comment:
thank you- I was all by myself in my love for dyeing eggs this year. AND no one believed me that dyed eggs are edible...I still did some though. sheesh
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