Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Beginning

Let's begin . . .

So this is my first attempt at "blogging" and hopefully, I'm a quick learner. I have just realized in the past few months that Mallory and Jillian seem to be getting older at an accelerated rate. Not that time is going by faster, but the time that they have left at home before college seems to be shrinking. The baby and toddler years are long gone, and elementary school is almost behind us. This new journey into junior high and high school is both exciting and a little bit scary all at the same time.
It is a pleasure to watch them take those baby steps and sometimes giant steps into independence, and I don't want to miss the major milestones and important events along the way. I also want to remember the "small moments" in their lives too as they are pieces of the process that is shaping them into the women they will become.

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