Sunday, April 5, 2009

...and so it begins

Yesterday Peter and I ordered the applicances for the new kitchen. We've lived in this house for just over two years, and the kitchen was on the "to do" list when we bought the house. Now it looks like it's really going to happen.

My mom says I married a "mining gypsy", and some days I feel like I'm the gypsy wanting one more adventure, one more move, one more country... This is our 9th address (10 if you count the 6 months at my mom's house while Peter commuted between Denver & Saratoga, WY) in almost 16 years of marriage, and even the girls think moving every couple of years is normal. So for months I've looked at houses trying to find the perfect one (within our budget) thinking that in some ways moving might be easier than renovating. But you know, I couldn't find it. There is no perfect house for us - except where we are. We love our big yard, the location & the amount of room we have inside. It may need some work, but it's a great house where as a family in only two years, we've already begun to build moments and memories that overshadow the "flaws" you might see looking from the outside in.

It's a little like how God must look at us. He doesn't concentrate on our flaws but rather looks at the inside - our heart. When we get old and broken and need repairs, He doesn't say, "It's too much work. I'm trading you in for a newer model." Instead, He repairs and restores what he's already created. He sees the beauty when others can't, and that's pretty awesome.


kirstin said...

YAY for a kitchen renovation! If you need help, you know our number. :)

And we've been going through the old testament at church (kind of an overview of the storylines of the Bible), and last week I was struck AGAIN by the idea that 'man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart...'

Thanks for the reminder...

mom/carla said...

Yahoo(????)....a kitchen renovation. Renovations are messy and tend to bring out the best AND worst of us :) BUT, the final product is worth it!!!

I'm thinking that this might also be God's opinion about us!

PS I love the choice of appliances!